[GIẢI ĐÁP] How long does it take to abstain from eggs?


Lip tattoo is considered an ideal solution for girls to own fresh, trendy lips without spending a lot of time wearing lipstick every day. However, the process of performing tattoo spraying, in addition to factors such as skill, technique, …, the home care regimen also determines a lot to the results of lip tattoo spray. Among them is the advice to abstain from eggs, so how long is it appropriate to abstain from eggs to achieve the expected aesthetic effect? Let’s find the answer with Beauty World below!

Why should abstain from eggs after lip tattoo?

As we all know, eggs are an extremely valuable source of nutrition in life for each of us. This is a product that provides and balances nutrients for the body. Some of the benefits that eggs bring include providing protein, boosting the immune system and being extremely good for the heart. Eggs have so many benefits, why is it mandatory to abstain from eating eggs after getting a lip tattoo?

In fact, lip tattooing is a modern cosmetic technique in which the technician will use specialized devices with micro-needle heads to color the lips. This is a less invasive and less invasive form of lip tattoo spray compared to previous techniques. Although performing lip tattoo quickly in only about 30-40 minutes, after lip tattooing, it still creates damage that requires certain care and abstinence as indicated for the lips to fully recover. Full and standard color as you like.

What eggs should be avoided after lip tattooing to ensure aesthetic results?

Among those mandatory abstentions, after getting a lip tattoo you need to abstain from eating eggs. Because eggs are a food that can slow down the lip recovery process as well as the lip color will not be as desired, eating eggs when newly tattooed also makes the lip color easy to patch, causing itching and swelling of the lips. long time. than. At the same time, some ingredients in eggs also make the lip peeling process take place more slowly than usual.

Therefore, you should abstain from eating eggs completely after getting a lip tattoo for a certain period of time. Although this is probably a taboo hard to break for those who like to eat eggs. However, try to comply to get the best aesthetic results!

How long after getting a lip tattoo?

Surely after tattooing lips need to abstain from eggs, but how long do lip tattoos abstain from eggs? How long after a lip tattoo abstains from eggs depends on the location of each person. For people with a healthy body, fast recovery time and scabs on the lips, the time of abstinence will be shorter than those with a bad body that needs a lot of time to restore the lips.

Usually, about 2-3 days after getting a lip tattoo, the skin on the surface of the lips will begin to dry out and scab over. After about 5-7 days, the scab on the outside of the lips will begin to peel off and form a lip color, although it has not completely stabilized. After spraying lip tattoo about 1-2 months, the lips will return to a stable state and the lip color will be the most beautiful standard.

beautify, [giải đáp] How long to abstain from egg tattoo?

Avoid eggs until lips are scaly and colored

Answering the question of how long to abstain from eggs, experts say you should abstain from eggs for 1-2 weeks after lip tattoo to ensure the best healing and lip color. Wait until your lips are completely healed, then you can eat and drink as usual. However, you should also only eat a maximum of 1 egg in a week for the most standard and stable lip color.

What foods should be avoided after lip tattoo?

In addition to the question of how long to abstain from eggs, foods to abstain after lip tattoo are also a matter of concern for many women. Here are some foods that should be avoided after getting a lip tattoo so that the healing process goes quickly and helps the lips color up as desired:

Chicken provides many essential nutrients for the body, but this is the cause of itchy and damaged lips. Therefore, after getting a lip tattoo, you need to abstain from chicken so that the lip recovery process takes place faster.

Beef and soy sauce are the causes of dark lips after lip tattoo. Because lips after tattooing are often extremely sensitive, easily affected by colors in food. Therefore, you need to absolutely abstain from beef as well as soy sauce to avoid discoloring your lips.

beautify, [giải đáp] How long to abstain from egg tattoo?

Stay away from beef if you don’t want your lips to be dark and unsightly

Just like the question of how long to abstain from eggs, water spinach is also a question of many people. Because eating water spinach while having an open wound can cause the wound to form a keloid scar and make it take longer to heal. Therefore, you should also abstain from eating water spinach until the wound heals like abstaining from eggs!

Foods made from glutinous rice such as sticky rice, cakes, tea, etc. are also foods that should be abstained after lip tattoo. Sticky clothes can cause the wound to fester, take a long time to heal and slow down the lip color process. Therefore, you should abstain from sticky foods until the wound is completely healed.

Hot spicy foods will make the peeling process on the lips happen faster. However, this is not good at all because they will make your lips dry and tight, extremely uncomfortable. There are even cases where eating hot spicy food makes the lip color patchy, deformed, and looks extremely unsightly. Therefore, you should let your lips peel off naturally so that the lip color is beautiful and standard.

beautify, [giải đáp] How long to abstain from egg tattoo?

Abstain from hot spicy food after lip tattoo

In addition to the question of how long to abstain from eggs as well as what foods to abstain after tattooing to get beautiful lips as you want. The most important factor is that you need to choose a lip tattoo at reputable and quality addresses to ensure the desired aesthetic results.

Beauty World is the lip aesthetic address chosen by many women. There is a team of doctors and technicians with many years of experience and high skills in the field of tattoo spraying. At the same time, Beauty World’s lip tattooing technology meets international and modern standards, minimizing the maximum invasiveness for the lips. Besides, tattoo ink is extracted completely from 100% organic nature, so it ensures colorfastness and does not cause irritation.

When choosing lip tattoo spray at Beauty World, you will be advised to choose the right lip color and shape to suit your face and skin, giving you the freshest and most natural lips. In particular, after tattooing your lips, you will be guided on the lip care process after tattooing, so that you can completely own lips as full as you want.

Lip tattoo is considered the ideal solution for girls to own fresh, trendy lips without spending a lot of time wearing lipstick every day. However, the process of performing tattoo spraying, in addition to factors such as skill, technique, …, the home care regimen also determines a lot to the results of lip tattoo spray. Among them is the advice to abstain from eggs, so how long is it appropriate to abstain from eggs to achieve the expected aesthetic effect? Let’s find the answer with Beauty World below!

Why should abstain from eggs after lip tattoo?

As we all know, eggs are an extremely valuable source of nutrition in life for each of us. This is a product that provides and balances nutrients for the body. Some of the benefits that eggs bring include providing protein, boosting the immune system and being extremely good for the heart. Eggs have so many benefits, why is it mandatory to abstain from eating eggs after getting a lip tattoo?

In fact, lip tattooing is a modern cosmetic technique in which the technician will use specialized devices with micro-needle heads to color the lips. This is a less invasive and less invasive form of lip tattoo spray compared to previous techniques. Although performing lip tattoo quickly in only about 30-40 minutes, after lip tattooing, it still creates damage that requires certain care and abstinence as indicated for the lips to fully recover. Full and standard color as you like.

beautify, [giải đáp] How long to abstain from egg tattoo?

What eggs should be avoided after lip tattooing to ensure aesthetic results?

Among those mandatory abstentions, after getting a lip tattoo you need to abstain from eating eggs. Because eggs are a food that can slow down the lip recovery process as well as the lip color will not be as desired, eating eggs when newly tattooed also makes the lip color easy to patch, causing itching and swelling of the lips. long time. than. At the same time, some ingredients in eggs also make the lip peeling process take place more slowly than usual.

Therefore, you should abstain from eating eggs completely after getting a lip tattoo for a certain period of time. Although this is probably a taboo hard to break for those who like to eat eggs. However, try to comply to get the best aesthetic results!

How long after getting a lip tattoo?

Surely after tattooing lips need to abstain from eggs, but how long do lip tattoos abstain from eggs? How long after a lip tattoo abstains from eggs depends on the location of each person. For people with a healthy body, fast recovery time and scabs on the lips, the time of abstinence will be shorter than those with a bad body that needs a lot of time to restore the lips.

Usually, about 2-3 days after getting a lip tattoo, the skin on the surface of the lips will begin to dry out and scab over. After about 5-7 days, the scab on the outside of the lips will begin to peel off and form a lip color, although it has not completely stabilized. After spraying lip tattoo about 1-2 months, the lips will return to a stable state and the lip color will be the most beautiful standard.

beautify, [giải đáp] How long to abstain from egg tattoo?

Avoid eggs until lips are scaly and colored

Answering the question of how long to abstain from eggs, experts say you should abstain from eggs for 1-2 weeks after lip tattoo to ensure the best healing and lip color. Wait until your lips are completely healed, then you can eat and drink as usual. However, you should also only eat a maximum of 1 egg in a week for the most standard and stable lip color.

What foods should be avoided after lip tattoo?

In addition to the question of how long to abstain from eggs, foods to abstain after lip tattoo are also a matter of concern for many women. Here are some foods that should be avoided after getting a lip tattoo so that the recovery process goes quickly and helps the lips color up as desired:

Chicken provides many essential nutrients for the body, but this is the cause of itchy and damaged lips. Therefore, after getting a lip tattoo, you need to abstain from chicken so that the lip recovery process takes place faster.

Beef and soy sauce are the causes of dark lips after lip tattoo. Because lips after tattooing are often extremely sensitive, easily affected by colors in food. Therefore, you need to absolutely abstain from beef as well as soy sauce to avoid discoloring your lips.

beautify, [giải đáp] How long to abstain from egg tattoo?

Stay away from beef if you don’t want your lips to be dark and unsightly

Just like the question of how long to abstain from eggs, water spinach is also a question of many people. Because eating water spinach while having an open wound can cause the wound to form a keloid scar and make it take longer to heal. Therefore, you should also abstain from eating water spinach until the wound heals like abstaining from eggs!

Foods made from glutinous rice such as sticky rice, cakes, tea, etc. are also foods that should be abstained after lip tattoo. Sticky clothes can cause the wound to fester, take a long time to heal and slow down the lip color process. Therefore, you should abstain from sticky foods until the wound is completely healed.

Hot spicy foods will make the peeling process on the lips happen faster. However, this is not good at all because they will make your lips dry and tight, extremely uncomfortable. There are even cases where eating hot spicy food makes the lip color patchy, deformed, and looks extremely unsightly. Therefore, you should let your lips peel off naturally so that the lip color is beautiful and standard.

beautify, [giải đáp] How long do you abstain from egg tattoo?

Abstain from hot spicy food after lip tattoo

In addition to the question of how long to abstain from eggs as well as what foods to abstain after tattooing to get beautiful lips as you want. The most important factor is that you need to choose a lip tattoo at reputable and quality addresses to ensure the desired aesthetic results.

Beauty World is the lip aesthetic address chosen by many women. There is a team of doctors and technicians with many years of experience and high skills in the field of tattoo spraying. At the same time, Beauty World’s lip tattooing technology meets international and modern standards, minimizing the maximum invasiveness for the lips. Besides, tattoo ink is extracted completely from 100% organic nature, so it ensures colorfastness and does not cause irritation.

When choosing lip tattoo spray at Beauty World, you will be advised to choose the right lip color and shape to suit your face and skin, giving you the freshest and most natural lips. In particular, after tattooing your lips, you will be guided on the lip care process after tattooing, so that you can completely own lips as full as you want.

Posted by: Bucking nguyễn

Keywords: [GIẢI ĐÁP] How long does it take to abstain from eggs?

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