types of earth ginseng, its benefits and remedies


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What is earth ginseng?

Ground Ginseng is a tree belongs to the family of herbaceous plants. This tree grows close to the ground and branches below. However, ground ginseng is just a common name for the types of ginseng that are grown naturally or grown in the mountainous areas of Vietnam.

Ground Ginseng: Types of Ground Ginseng, Benefits and RemediesGround ginseng is a plant belonging to the herbaceous family

Reference: What is the effect of the triangle? The health benefits of fenugreek

Some types of ginseng plants and their uses

Hoang Sin Co

Ground GinsengGround Ginseng

Hoang Sin Co is also known as ground ginseng root, ginseng root…, has a light yellow color, the leaves are oval or pearl egg-shaped, staggered together. Its length is from 5-7 cm, width is from 2-4 cm.

Succulent ground ginsenginside The seeds are black, flat, and small.



Okay Named the ginseng of Vietnam and is grown mainly in the central – central region of our country. This is a herbaceous, perennial plant. It is about 40-100 cm tall. Also follow Doctor Luong Duc Chuong – Military Medical Academy It has the following uses:

  • In Ngoc Linh ginseng there are antioxidants that make Slows down the aging process, makes skin more beautiful, hair smoother.

  • Majonoside – R2 in ginseng has the ability to restore function under stress, fight depression, reduce nervous system depression. In addition, it also increase the vitality of men and women.

Wild Ginseng (Inject Mao)

Wild Ginseng (Inject Mao)Wild Ginseng (Inject Mao)

This is a wild grass, it is about 25-30cm tall. Wild ginseng is found mainly in the Northwest mountainous areas such as Tuyen Quang, Cao Bang, etc. Doctor Nguyen Ba Vuong – Military Institute of Traditional Medicine The forest ginseng is said to have the following uses:

  • Substance saponinsStrengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Phytosterols found in wild ginseng Helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.

  • Wild ginseng contains fatty acids that promote brain health and mood. In addition, it also helps in the treatment of some diseases.

  • Steroids act as hormonal hormones that help Support to increase sexual ability for men.

Rock Ginseng (White Rock Ginseng)

Rock Ginseng (White Rock Ginseng)Rock Ginseng (White Rock Ginseng)

This is one of a kind Precious medicinal plants of the Hoa Tan family. Rock ginseng has a length of about 3-12cm. It is clustered and distributed quite close to each other. This type of ginseng is usually found in Hoang Lien Son range. Special Rock ginseng in Sapa or Ha Giang are considered to be the most precious types of ginseng.

According to Pharmacist Dang Dinh Quyet Because it has main ingredients such as: Ligustilide, folic acid, bergapten, tetradecanol, sesquiterpen, dodecanol, carvacrol, safrol, p-cymen, vitamin B12, cadinen, biotin, so it helps Support the treatment of weakness, anemia, good for people with blood pressure, …

Duong Quy Ginseng (Ginseng for women)

Ginseng Duong QuyGinseng Duong Quy

This is a herbaceous plant Originated from China. It is about 40-80cm tall. And usually live at an altitude of 2000 – 3000m with a cool humid climate. In Vietnam, Ginseng Duong Quy is often grown in the Northwest provinces such as Lao Cai, Hoa Binh, Lai Chau, etc. Some of the uses of Ginseng Duong Quy are Doctor of Pharmacy Truong Anh Thu mentioned as:

  • Contains a variety of vitamins that are good for health. Ligustilide in dong quai ginseng has a blood pressure lowering effect.

  • Play the role of Antibacterial “medicine” for muscle spasms, abdominal pain, bronchitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, ..

Tho Hao Ginseng (Bo Chinh Ginseng)

Tho Hao Ginseng (Bo Chinh Ginseng)Tho Hao Ginseng (Bo Chinh Ginseng)

It is a precious medicinal plant about 50cm tall. Ginseng is a wild plant, but it is also grown a lot in Vietnam such as in the North Central region, it is most abundant in the mountainous areas of Nam Dan, Thanh Chuong, and Huong Son districts (Nghe An, Ha Tinh). Some localities are in Quang Binh, Hoa Binh and the Northwest.

Herbalist Nguyen Huu Toan said that Hao Sam soil has the following uses:

  • Contains many phytonutrients and antioxidants, thereby promoting metabolism, anti-aging for the body.

  • Polysaccharide in Tho Hao Ginseng restricts tumors, enhances the ability of the immune system.

Small sticky Ding Lang

Small sticky Ding LangSmall sticky Ding Lang

It has a small shape, about 1-2 meters in height. The leaves are compound, feathery, often staggered with small serrated edges. This plant is often grown in the southern provinces of China as well as the mountainous and midland provinces in the North of Vietnam, including: Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Bac Giang, etc.

According to Doctorate, Doctor Nguyen Thi Van Anh – Director of the Institute for Research and Development of Traditional Medicine and Ethnic Medicine For example, small sticky cloves also have a number of uses such as:

  • Contains healthy amino acids.

  • Besides, the sticky cloves are small cure osteoarthritis or gout.

  • Help pregnant mothers who are blocked or do not have milk.

Dang Ginseng Root (Dang Ginseng)

Dang Ginseng Root (Dang Ginseng)Dang Ginseng Root (Dang Ginseng)

It is a herbaceous perennial, climbing with a coiled stem. Dandelion is about 50-70cm long. Ginseng Party there are many in China. Since 1961, The Vietnam Institute of Medicinal Plants has discovered the ginseng party in the northern provinces (Son La, Lao Cai, Ha Giang, Lang Son) and the Central Highlands (Kon Tum, Lam Dong, Gia Lai).

According to Doctor Le Phuong – Center for Inheritance and Application of Vietnamese Oriental Medicine Some substances such as sucrose, choline, insulin, alkaloids, fructose, mannose, xylose, glucoside, etc. in iso ginseng help:

  • Strengthen resistancehelp anti-fatigue for body. Very good anti-inflammatoryfrom that Protects the mucosa and prevents stomach ulcers complex developments.

  • Increase red blood cell count, get rid of bad cholesterol, prevention of atherosclerosisheart attacks, strokes, cerebrovascular accidents, etc.

Tam That Bac (Sam Tam That)

Tam That Bac (Sam Tam That)Tam That Bac (Sam Tam That)

As a small tree, Perennial, usually growing at an altitude of 1500m. The tree is usually about 30-50cm tall. In Vietnam, Tam That is grown in a small amount in Ha Giang, Lao Cai, Cao Bang, Lang Son, Lai Chau…

According to Dr. Nguyen Thuong Hanh – Oncology Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Panax ginseng has the following uses:

  • Saponins are effective Anti-fungal, antibacterial and very good virus inhibitor. The sweetness in the three chambers good for people with diabetes.

  • Amino acids play an important role in protein synthesis slow down the decline of muscle function in the elderly.

Health benefits of ground ginseng

Health benefits of ground ginsengBenefits of ground ginseng for health

  • Kidney supplementGinseng helps promote urination by stimulating D (an amino oxidase) and inhibiting the production of succinic dehydrogenase in the kidneys, helping the kidneys to work more smoothly.

  • Lower cholesterol: The highs are cooked from ground ginseng to increase the diuretic effect of pinarvanin. Reduces the bad cholesterol in the blood.

  • Anti-inflammatoryIn many scientific studies, ginseng is an effective anti-inflammatory herb.

  • Other uses: Cao made from ground ginseng herb has the effect of increasing urination, reducing edema, reducing albuminuria, and reducing blood cholesterol in clinical practice to treat nephrotic syndrome.

Medicines to cure diseases from ginseng

Support in the treatment of diabetes

Decoction 75g fresh ground ginseng or 25g dried with 1 liter of water for 10-15 minutes on low heat. Drink every day for 1 month.

Diarrhea treatment

Boil 15g of ground ginseng with 15g of big apple and 1 liter of water, drink daily until diarrhea stops.

Cure excessive urination

Cook 550ml of water with 60g of fresh ground ginseng and 50g of neem root until the water is reduced to about 250ml. Drink 2 times a day for 5 days.

Medicines to cure diseases from ginsengMedicines to cure diseases from ginseng

Treatment of constipation

Cooking herbal soup includes: 30g of ground ginseng leaves, 20g of Panax ginseng root, 30g of young willow leaves, 30g of roasted black sesame, 20g of young angelica leaves. Use daily until constipation is gone.

Treatment of dysentery

Cook 100g of ground ginseng leaves and 100g of milkweed with 400ml of water until the water is reduced to 100ml. Divide into 2 and drink while still warm.

Remedy for kidney stones

Puree ground ginseng into a fine powder, use 10g each time (about 1 teaspoon) mixed with 1 liter of water and drink as tea daily.

Support treatment of high blood pressure

Boil 12g of ground ginseng with filtered water and drink daily to help stabilize blood pressure and regulate blood cholesterol.

Treatment of symptoms of dizziness, fatigue

Use 16g of ground ginseng root and stem to boil with 250ml of water, drink daily for 1 week to be effective.

Cure a long-term cough

Stew 1 chicken about 400g with 20g of ground ginseng, 20g of white trumpet chicken, 20g of pine needles. Eat like everyday food

Medicines to cure diseases from ginsengMedicines to cure diseases from ginseng

Remedy for liver detoxification

10 – 15g decoction of dried ground ginseng with water to drink daily as tea. Or use fine powder mixed with drinking water, or use ginseng leaves to cook daily soup.

Scabies treatment

Use the leaves and roots of ground ginseng to cook with 2 liters of water to bathe and clean the skin with scabies daily.

Reduce joint pain

Wash 700g of ground ginseng and then drain it, soak it with 5 liters of wine for 6 months. Use twice a day, 25ml each time.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Take 200g of yellow azalea for water, then use this water with pork ribs to soften, then add 200g of ground ginseng and cook for another 5 minutes. Eat 2-3 times a week.

How to make ground ginseng soaked in alcohol to treat diseases

Soak in ginseng wine to cure diseasesSoak in ginseng wine to cure diseases

Step 1 Prepare materials

Step 2 Process materials

Wash the ground ginseng thoroughly, rub off the soil and let it dry.

Step 3 How to soak ground ginseng

  • Put the earth ginseng in the jar in order Roots down below, ginseng on top. That way when soaking wine will be better.

  • Afterward Slowly pour 5 liters of wine into the jarsubmerged ginseng is okay.

  • Time Soak for about 2-3 months It is possible to use earth ginseng wine.

Notes when using Vietnamese ginseng

All kinds of Vietnamese ginseng are precious medicinal herbs, but when using them, you need to pay attention to the dosage and how to use them. The types of ginseng are not highly toxic. However, if abused, over a long period of time, symptoms similar to poisoning may appear.

When ginseng poisoning, users often experience symptoms such as insomnia, constant excitement, dizziness, headache, high blood pressure, diarrhea, skin redness, nose bleeding.

All kinds of Vietnamese ginseng are precious medicinal herbs, but when using it, you need to pay attention to the dosage and how to use itAll kinds of Vietnamese ginseng are precious medicinal herbs, but when using it, you need to pay attention to the dosage and how to use it

Hopefully the information that Thcstrandangninhnd.edu.vn provides can help you understand what types of ginseng are and the uses of ginseng. If you have any questions, please leave us a comment.

Source: Synthesis

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