Is it good for people born in the year of the Horse to build a house in 2023?


Today, considering the age of making a house is extremely important, because it will directly affect the fortune of the owner. So Year of the Horse to build a house in 2023 You should or not? In fact, to determine it, it is necessary to consider different factors such as: three ears, wild snails, long needles, Thai Tue stars, etc. So, let’s find out together with below.

Fortune and fortune, the owner of the Year of the Horse in the Year of the Horse 1966

The owner born in the year of the Horse is born in the year of the Horse, has a lunar date of birth from January 21, 1966 to February 8, 1967. Here is the horoscope for the year of the Horse in 2023 for the male network for your reference:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Fortune and fortune, the owner of the Year of the Horse in the Year of the Horse 1966
  • Year of birth: 1966
  • Destiny: Thuy (Galaxy of Mercury)
  • Palace of Destiny: Doai (male network), Can (female network)
  • Expected year to build a house: 2023 (Qui Mao) – Kim Platinum
  • Angel: Binh
  • Location: Horse
  • Destiny of mutual rebirth: Kim
  • Opposite Destiny: Earth

Therefore, the owner of the Year of the Horse in 1966 is an intelligent, upright, upright person who is loved by everyone. In terms of career, I also met a lot of success, with valuable people to support. If you try to do business with good fortune, you will have a comfortable old age. However, because of his advanced age, the 1966 Binh Ngo also needs to pay attention to health problems.

Detailed commentary on the age of the Year of the Horse to build a house in 2023

Before deciding whether or not to make a house in the Year of the Horse in 2023, you need to consider many different factors. Specifically about Tam Tai, Kim Lau, Hoang Oc and Thai Tue:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Detailed commentary on the age of the Year of the Horse to build a house in 2023
  • Tam Tai: According to the calculation of the three ears, people born in the year of the Tiger, the Horse, and the Dog will commit the Tam Tai in the years of the Monkey, the Dog, and the Rooster. Thus, in 2023, the year of the Pig Horse will not be committed in the year of Tam Tai.
  • Kim Lau: Includes: Kim Lau body (1), Kim Lau Thuy (3), Kim Lau Tu (6) and Kim Lau cattle (8). Accordingly, “1, 3, 6, 8 Kim Lau, build a house, get married, buy buffalo, don’t”. To calculate the Kim Lau term of the year of the Pig, we have: age of the householder = year of building the house – year of birth + 1. If the age of the householder divides by 9 we get the remainder, if the remainder is 1, 3, 6, 8, then the owner Pham Kim Long. Thus, the Year of the Horse in 1966, making a house in 2023 does not violate the Golden Pavilion.
  • Hoang Oc: Wild snail includes 6 palaces, 3 good arcs are Nhat sand, Nhi Nghi and Tu Ton; The 3 bad signs are the Three Earthly Kills, the Five Lifes and the Luc Wild Shells. According to the Hoang Oc calculation method, the owner of the Binh Ngo year building a house in 2023 does not violate the Hoang Oc.
  • Thai Tue: 2023 is the year of the Rabbit, the owner of Binh Ngo is 58 years old. Therefore, the owner of the year of the Pig who builds a house in 2023 will not violate the Thai Tue star.

Thus, the Year of the Horse can make a house in 2023 completely. By not violating the above factors. However, which month is the good month to build a house in the Year of the Horse?

Worksheet to borrow the age to build a house for the owner of the Year of the Horse 1966

If the owner does not want to use his age to build a house, he can completely borrow his age. Here is a spreadsheet to borrow the age to build a house for the owner of the Year of the Horse in 1966 for your reference:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Worksheet to borrow the age to build a house for the owner of the Year of the Horse 1966

Year of Birth

Year old

That’s it

Wild Oc

Kim Lau

Dinh Hoi (1947)





Horse Armor (1954)





Dinh Dau (1957)

sixty seven




The Rabbit (1963)

sixty one




Year of the Snake (1065)





The Rabbit (1975)





New Rooster (1981)





Horseshoe (1990)





Rooster Quarter (1993)

thirty first




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Instructions on the procedure to borrow the age to build a house for the owner of Binh Ngo 1966

Borrowing age to build a house is a form of fake landlords selling land to people who have borrowed their age. Then the owner will carry out procedures to buy and redeem the house. This form is for families who want to build a house in 2023 but the year is bad. Here is the procedure for the Year of the Horse to build a house in 2023 for your reference:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Instructions on the procedure to borrow the age to build a house for the owner of Binh Ngo 1966
  • Step 1: Before becoming a housekeeper, the owner (landlord) will write a piece of land sale paper representing the borrower’s age.
  • Step 2: When the groundbreaking ceremony is performed, the age-lender will make a vow and perform the groundbreaking work. Specifically, hoe the ground 5-7 times in a beautiful direction, put bricks and stones on the ground and fill it up. Note that during the entire groundbreaking process, homeowners should avoid going elsewhere until the ceremony is completed.
  • Step 3: When pouring the roof and entering the house, the borrower will still perform the rituals of worshiping and offering incense on behalf of the owner.
  • Step 4: The owner of the Year of the Horse in 1966 will buy the house back (at a higher price than the selling price above). Then proceed to pray for the entrance ceremony.

The process of praying for the groundbreaking ceremony for the owner of the Year of the Horse 1966

What year is the appropriate year for the Year of the Horse to build a house? What is the process of praying for the groundbreaking ceremony for the owners of the year of the Pig to build a house in 2023? Let’s find out with right below.

Groundbreaking ceremony tray for the owner of Binh Ngo 1966

What do you need when preparing the ground breaking ceremony for the Year of the Horse to build a house in 2023? Include:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Groundbreaking ceremony tray for the owner of Binh Ngo 1966
  • A set of triplets,
  • A chicken
  • A plate of sticky rice
  • A plate of salt
  • A bowl of rice
  • A bowl of water
  • Half a liter of white wine
  • Packs of medicine, tea
  • Set of flower gold nails
  • Year of the golden money
  • Year of red lavender
  • Betel and areca
  • Fruit tray
  • Flower offerings
  • Three small jars of salt, water and rice

Procedures for groundbreaking ceremony for owners of the Year of the Horse 1966

After completing the ceremony for the Year of the Horse to build a house in 2023, the ceremony will be conducted. The ceremony includes the following steps:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Procedure for groundbreaking ceremony for owners of the Year of the Horse 1966
  • Step 1: Choose a good day, good time to break ground: You need to look at the horoscope, the Five Elements of the landlord or the borrower to determine the date and time. This is a pretty important job, directly affecting the peace of the family.
  • Step 2: Preparation of offerings: Including trays of offerings, prayers of worship, etc., so that the ceremony can take place on time.
  • Step 3: Groundbreaking ceremony: Groundbreaking procedure for building a house is quite important, depending on the custom, the shaman will have certain differences. However, the owner must worship, vow to break ground, turn gold and silver. Then manually hoe the ground to start construction. Particularly for 3 jars containing salt, water and rice, they need to be kept carefully until they enter the temple.

Groundbreaking ceremony for the owner of the Year of the Horse 1966

Here is the groundbreaking ceremony for the year of the Pig Horse in 2023 for your reference:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Groundbreaking ceremony for the owner of the Year of the Horse 1966

Before moving to a new home, the owner of Binh Ngo 1966 needs to prepare what?

Choose a good date and time to enter the house for the owner of the Binh Ngo 1966?

Choosing a good time to enter the house for the Year of the Horse to make a house in 2023 will help bring a lot of luck and fortune to the owner. Check it out now:

  • According to Zodiac time: Should choose good time frames, in harmony between heaven and earth.
  • According to the age of the owner: The owner of the Year of the Horse should ask a feng shui master to determine the time to enter the house. Avoid choosing on bad, conflicting days.
  • In the direction of the house: Depending on the destiny, the age of the owner will choose the direction of the house, a good date and time to enter the house.

Things to prepare before entering the house for the owner of the Binh Ngo 1966?

When making a new house for the Year of the Horse to build a house in 2023, you need to prepare the following items:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Things to prepare before entering the house for the owner of the Binh Ngo 1966?
  • The charcoal stove is located at the main door of the house. Please do not use electric stove.
  • Mattress or mattress in use
  • Ceremonies such as rice, coins, salt, new brooms, gold, ..
  • The tray of offerings includes a tray of five fruits, a tray of flowers and a tray of wine and meat.

Procedures for the initiation ceremony for the owner of Binh Ngo 1966?

Is it good for the Year of the Horse to build a house in 2023? What is the procedure for entering a new home? Check it out below:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Procedures for the initiation ceremony for the owner of Binh Ngo 1966?
  • Step 1: Prepare a charcoal stove placed in the middle of the path of the new house, the owner holds a bowl of incense to worship Tho Cong, walks through the kitchen, needs to step left foot first. Then the family members went in one by one, following their roles.
  • Step 2: During the ceremony, all lights in the house must be turned on, the doors also need to be opened wide to welcome prosperity. Next is the ritual of worshiping and praying to the gods in the house.
  • Step 3: The owner arranges the gifts in the direction of destiny and reads the vows to enter the house.
  • Step 4: After completion, the owner and family members proceed to worship at the gods and ancestors.

Van vows to enter a new house for the owner of the Year of the Horse 1966

Here are the texts of vows to enter a new house for the Year of the Horse in 2023 for your reference:

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Vow to the gods to enter the new house

Refer to the divine vow to enter the newly built house right below:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Vow to the gods to enter the new house

Van vows to join the new house

Refer to the vows to join the newly built house right below:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Van vows to join the new house

Van makes a vow to go to a new rented house

Check out the prose for the newly rented house right below:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Van makes a vow to go to a new rented house

The prayer office moved to the new office and office for the owner of Binh Ngo 1966

Here is a petition to move a new office or agency for the owner of the Binh Ngo 1966 for your reference:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
The prayer office moved to the new office and office for the owner of Binh Ngo 1966

In the Year of the Horse in 1966, what other year can a house be built?

In addition to the good house-building year of the Year of the Horse in 2023, the Year of the Pig can build a house in any other year. Based on the factors of Tam Tai, Kim Lau and Hoang Oc, the age of 1966 can be built in the years: 2024, 2026. These are all good years, do not violate the above factors, so it is suitable for homeowners to build a house, repair a house. Bring a lot of fortune, luck and money to the owner.

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
In the Year of the Horse in 1966, what other year can a house be built?

Choose the direction to build a house in accordance with the age of the Year of the Horse 1966

Which direction should the owner of the Year of the Horse in 1966 build a house in 2023? The owner, aged 1966, belongs to the Water parity (Galaxy Thuy). Here are the directions to build houses suitable for men and women for your reference:

Year of the Horse to Build a House in 2023
Choose the direction to build a house in accordance with the age of the Year of the Horse 1966
  • The direction of building houses in the year of the year of the Horse in the South of the Year is: Northeast direction (Dien Nien), West direction (Fu Vi), Southwest direction (Thien Y) and Northwest direction (Birth Qi).
  • The direction to build a house in the year of the year of the Horse is: Northeast direction (Fu Vi), West direction (Dien Nien), Northwest direction (Thien Y), and Southwest direction (Birth Qi).

Above is all information about Year of the Horse to build a house in 2023 for your reference. Hope to help you in choosing a good day, good time to build a house in 2023. Also, don’t forget to visit regularly to update the latest information on feng shui, architecture, construction every day.

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